Air Purifiers

In a world where smog, pollution, and haze dominate our cities and towns, air pollution has become an area for big concern. I grew up in Salt Lake, one of the most polluted cities in the US. Even now, the mountains surrounding the Salt Lake valley create a sort of dome which prevents much of the pollution from dissipating with the morning sun. As of 2013, this puts Salt Lake at number 6 in short-term particle pollution (according to But if that’s bad, it’s even worse during the winter. According to the New York times, “. . . the area has been grappling with one of the nation’s most vexing pollution problems, where atmospheric inversions during the winter months lead to a thick fog of dirty air cloaking the region.” Growing there as a child, this is something I fully believe. I even remember having friends in Jr. High (middle school) whose mom wouldn’t let them out on windy and stormy days due to the pollution. Out of the 5 siblings in her family, 3 of them suffered from mild to severe asthma. Air pollution is no laughing matter, and it’s definitely not something to be taken lightly. If you have kids with asthma or other respiratory problems that are triggered by pollution, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Masks can be helpful in stifling the air outside, but what about the air inside your very own home? Unfortunately, dirty air isn’t held back by 4 walls and a roof. It seeps in when the windows or doors are open, and it can cause some nasty respiratory flare ups in your home’s inhabitants if left uncontrolled. Because of this, it’s recommended you have an air purifier in your home, especially if you live in a heavily polluted city. Aside from the important asthma benefits air purifiers produce, they can have other benefits within your home:

  • Allergy Relief – I’m the kind of person who gets allergies come every spring, and an air purifier can help with even this. A big reason allergies exist is because of how dirty and saturated our air is. If you have an air purifier, you’re essentially using powerful filters to suck in the air and clean it, so even the most sensitive among us can have an easier time breathing.
  • Fresh smelling air – You probably don’t notice it, but pollutants tend to have very distinctive scents. An air purifier will filter out those pollutants and odors to leave your home with a fresh, wonderfully clean scent.
  • Overall Health Benefits – The best air purifiers do more than just help you breathe better. A high-quality air purifier will produce many overall health benefits that come from long-term use. This includes lowering sickness rates (many diseases, such as the common cold or flu, can be transferred person-to-person through the air), retaining more skin moisture (dry, itchy, and flaky skin can be produced by dry and dirty air), and even helping stifle allergies caused by animal dander.


If you have loved ones in your home that suffer from respiratory problems, whether it be asthma or bronchitis, investing in an air purifier is one of the greatest acts of love you can show them. If you’re interested in learning more about air purifiers, or if you want to check pricing, visit Plumber’s Stock by clicking here.

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