About Me

This is me in my first-grade best! Smile for the camera!

This is me in my first-grade best! Smile for the camera!

Hi there everyone!

This is the about me section, where I’ll talk a little bit about myself and let you know the kind of person I am.

My name is Casey Laurence. The picture shown above is me in first grade, ready for picture day with a brilliant smile! Now, I’m a Sophomore in college and I found that writing about plumbing topics is a great way to de-stress and relax after a tedious week of school. While that may not sound anything like fun, being the only daughter to a plumber means I have knowledge in things a lot of people don’t, and I’m grateful to be able to share that experience with everyone.

About my college life. . . I’m currently double-majoring in Biology and Psychology and so far, I’m having a blast! Though both topics are hard work and require a lot of my time, I find myself enjoying the college experience–living in the dorms, making new friends, having fun, and meeting cute guys!

Besides college and my plumbing blog, I enjoy things like reading, writing (although I think that one is obvious), singing, dancing, running track, and swimming. Although I’m currently not in the dance team at my college, I hope to try out for the team soon and get back to dance, as one of my fondest memories of high school was being in the dance company with my fellow sisters for all 4 years.

I have a pet kitten (thank goodness my dorm suite allows pets!) named Whiskas who I love more than just about anything in the world. During a biology experiment outside after a huge rainstorm, I heard this soft “meow. . . meow” coming from one of the nearby trees. Following the noise, I found this tiny orange kitten, no more than two months old, stuck in one of the branches! With the help of some passerby, I managed to save him and have now given him a luxurious home with me in my room. Can you say spoiled?

My sweetheart and best friend. When I first got him, his ribs were poking out, he was badly malnourished, and he was afraid of everyone.

My sweetheart and best friend. When I first got him, his ribs were poking out, he was badly malnourished, and he was afraid of everyone.

I can’t think of anything else to say so I’ll leave it at that. Got a comment? Leave me a message!

– Casey

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